sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2009

Rabanete de crochet....Crochet Radish!

Este pingente de crochet eu fiz inspirado na proposta de Julie Adore : ...para enfeitar a maçaneta de sua porta sua plantinha preferida ou onde a sua imaginação quiser.

This crochet pendant I did inspired in the Julie Adore proposal... to decorate the knob of your door, favorite plantlet or where your imagination wants.

3 comentários:

  1. Hello, I use google translation to English in my

    texts! Your radish is beautiful! Very good!

    he new Game "The serial crocheteuses" coming soon on the blogosphere. Fans of crochet? Then this is definitely for you…The 4 ardent crocheteuses will set a crochet task/pattern each and every Friday. Throughout the week, the list of participants will be fully detailed on one of our blogs, which will allow you to discover the different work in progress (come along and announce your participation on the comments page)…

    today's theme is sewing box , you can crochet whatever this theme you inspires.
    and this time the game goes here

    I hope to explain things and always welcome on my blog!
